Since 2001 Jochen Bauerreis has been a lecturer at the University of Strasbourg. He has taught the Masters Course for Franco-German business lawyers.
Jochen Bauerreis is also a director of theses which are co-managed for the University of Strasbourg and the University of Fribourg.
In the context of his university work, Jochen Bauerreis regularly teaches the following subjects:
- Judicial institutions (Degree 1)
- German civil law (Degree 1)
- In-depth course on German law I: Europarecht (Degree 3)
- In-depth course on German law II: Gesellschaftsrecht – Arbeitsrecht (Degree 3)
- Comparative Company law (Masters 1)
- Private International business law (Masters 2 Banking and Finance law)
- International arbitration law (Masters 2 Private International law)
- Franco-German and International business law (Management School)
- Franco-German Taxation (Management School)
- International and European Business – Import/Export (Management School)
- Judicial institutions (Degree 1)
- German civil law (Degree 1)
- Droit international et européen des sociétés (Master 2 International et Transnational)
- Droit international privé des affaires (Master 2 Droit bancaire et financier)
- Droit allemand approfondi I: Europarecht (Licence 3)
- Droit allemand approfondi II: Gesellschaftsrecht – Arbeitsrecht (Licence 3)
- International and European Business – Import/Export