On December 6th 2018, Jochen BAUERREIS participated as a co-director in the thesis defense of Mrs. Elodie KLEIDER on the following topic “From international bankruptcy to European-Swiss insolvency proceedings within the framework of Regulation No. 2015/848: effects in Switzerland”.
The jury also included Mr Michel STORCK (thesis director), Mr Daniel STAEHELIN (thesis co-director), Mr Peter JUNG (thesis co-director), Mr Olivier HARI (rapporteur) and Ms Fabienne JAULT-SESEKE (rapporteur).
Doctoral student Elodie KLEIDER highlighted the problem of the implementation, in the light of Regulation No. 2015/848, of an European-Swiss insolvency procedure.
She underlines in her work the limits to the applicability of the Insolvency Regulation by demonstrating the difficulties linked to its spatial scope, and suggests, in addition, the development of rules adapted to international bankruptcy situations involving Member States and third countries.
On 17 May 2019, she was awarded the Thesis Prize 2018 by the French Committee for International Private Law (Comité français de droit international privé) for this outstanding work dealing with both private international and comparative law.